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"Lost" Recap: "Ab Aeterno" (SPOILERS)

Thursday, March 25, 2010 - - 0 Comments

At long last, the untold story of Richard Alpert is, well...told.  But what the hell does it all mean?  Let's break it down.









It turns out that "Richard" Alpert is actually Ricardo Alpert, a slave from the Canary Islands whose ship, the Black Rock (!), crashed on the island in the 1800's, destroying the three-toed statue in the process.  This was, by far, the best episode of "Lost" this season and maybe even last season, as well.  I agree with some reviewers who say it was predictable; I mean, we had pieced together most of these clues before this episode but the execution of the episode was great and Nestor Carbonell did a bang-up job with the lovelorn Ricardo/Richard.

A lot more was revealed between Jacob and his adversary but at the same time, it really wasn't.  I'm getting the impression that the island itself is a type of prison for the Man in Black and that may be its sole (or primary) purpose.  But what or WHO is the Man in Black?  What happened to his body?  I'm sure we'll find out soon but I'm awfully anxious to find out now.

The LA Times has a great article up talking about the episode and several of their readers from the Canary Islands point out that Tenerife is home to the deadliest plane crash in aviation history and a long-standing legend about the mysterious 8th island of San Borondon, which vanishes and can move position in the ocean. Were the "Lost" producers trying to steer us toward this legend or is it just coincidence?  I don't know yet but you can read more about San Borondon here, if you're interested.

Next Week: "The Package"

P.S. Just as I was finishing up this post, Ain't Cool News posted a story indicating that there will be a live "Lost" event in theaters on May 20th, 3 days before the series finale.  Sounds cool.  Also, the finale now has a name: "The End".

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